What We Do

Health plans are currently facing unprecedented challenges. Our expertise for healthcare payers involves providing strategic guidance and solutions to organizations that manage and finance healthcare services, such as insurance companies, health maintenance organizations (HMOs), and government programs like Medicare and Medicaid.

Various Challenges & Opportunities

  • Market Share Improvement: Enhancing your position in flat-growth markets and capitalizing on new, high-growth market opportunities.
  • Medical Loss Ratio Optimization: Implementing strategies to improve financial performance and efficiency.
  • Advanced Analytics Deployment: Leveraging data analytics to generate actionable insights and drive business growth.
  • Enhanced Member Experience: Improving member satisfaction and engagement through targeted strategies and streamlined processes.
  • Automation Acceleration: Boosting operational efficiency through advanced automation technologies.

We Can Help Tackle

  • Value Chain Re-alignment: Adapting to changes due to mergers and acquisitions.
  • Competitive Core Processes: Addressing competition from providers and third parties in core processes.
  • Membership Profit Pools: Navigating competition in attractive and shifting membership areas.
  • Direct-to-Employer Offerings: Expanding and optimizing direct-to-employer healthcare solutions.
  • Data-Driven Growth: Utilizing data and analytics as key drivers for strategic growth.


We work closely with you to develop a flexible yet robust strategy, deploy an operating model that maximizes performance, and harness data to transform your business. Our approach is tailored to account for regional differences in healthcare provision and reimbursement. Our expertise spans strategy development, digital transformation, customer engagement, organizational effectiveness, and operational performance, including M&A advisory and merger integration. We help you achieve significant improvements in medical costs, adopt agile practices, and implement effective automation, positioning you for sustainable success in the competitive healthcare landscape.